Duos (2CD) - Charles Aznavour
法國香頌音樂的國際親善大使、跨世代傳奇藝人Charles Aznavour,全新雙CD合唱大碟《真情相依Duos》,這套大碟集結了Charles Aznavour歷年來與歐洲、美國、加拿大等地的國際巨星所灌錄的合唱曲:與「法國香頌第一夫人」Edith Piaf、世界三大男高音之一的Placido Domingo、娛樂界巨人Frank Sinatra、加拿大流行歌后Celine Dion、拉丁情歌聖手Julio Iglesias、英國鋼琴搖滾名將Elton John、迷情搖滾樂團Roxy Music的靈魂人物Bryan Ferry、跨界情歌聖手Josh Groban…等世界各國的實力歌手所合唱的招牌名曲:
1.Toi Et Moi (with Celine Dion)
2. Que C'est Triste Venise (with Julio Iglesias)
3. Les Bateaux Sont Partis (with Placido Domingo)
4. Paris Au Mois D'Aout (with Laura Pausini)
5. Hier Encore (with Elton John)
6. Il Faut Savoir (with Johnny Hallyday)
7. Mourir D'Aimer (with Nana Mouskouri)
8. L'Amour C'est Comme Un Jour (with Sting)
9. La Boheme (with Josh Groban)
10. Ton Nom (with Carole King)
11. Je N'ai Pas Vu Le Temps Passer (with Paul Anka)
12. Mes Emmerdes (with Herbert Gronemeyer)
13. C'est Un Gars (with Edith Piaf)
1. Yesterday When I Was Young (with Elton John)
2. Quiet Love (with Liza Minnelli)
3. Love is New Everyday (with Sting)
4. Young At Heart (with Frank Sinatra)
5. To Die Of Love (with Nana Mouskouri)
6. She (with Bryan Ferry)
7. I Didn't See The Time Go By (with Paul Anka)
8. You And Me (with Celine Dion)
9. La Boheme (English version) (with Josh Groban)
10. El Barco ya Se Fue (with Placido Domingo)
11. The Sound Of Your Name (with Carole King)
12. You've Got To Learn (with Johnny Hallyday)
13. Parigi In Agosto (with Laura Pausini)
14. Als Es Mir Beschissen Ging (with Herbert Gronemeyer)
15. Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime (with Dean Martin)