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Legends Of Reproduction - Yan weiwen (China Version) (SQCD)
Singer : Yim, Wai Man

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Legends Of Reproduction - Yan weiwen (China Version) (SQCD) [CD] 
(Date: 2017-06-08)
Price($): HK$424 (US$)
Publisher:Gui Zhou East Audio & Visual Co Ltd

01. Eastern sun, moon of the East
02. To tell the truth
03. Small aspen
04. One, two, three, four songs
05. Our motherland song of sweet floral
06. No night in Xinjiang
07. Hongye always focussed
08. Large forest morning
09. Homesick
10. Love Everest
11. This is a hot spot
12. Big whip to catch the wind and rain to go
13. Flesh love
14. Good man soldier go
15. Splashed drizzle
Quantity: X
Stock Status: To Order (available within 7 to 11 days)
(Shipping charge by 2.0 Delivery Unit (DU))

Total Number of Records: 1

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