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Chapter 1. Jesus saves the daughter of the church
The man in charge of the synagogue said, "your daughter is dead. Why do you still have to work, sir?"? Jesus said, "don't be afraid, just believe! Why do you cry? The child is not dead, it is asleep. "And they laughed at him. Then Jesus took the child by the hand and said to her, "girl, I command you to get up! "The girl immediately got up and left. And they were greatly surprised; and their daughter was twelve years old. (can be 5:35-42) < br >
Rich officials seek the way of eternal life < br >
A rich official asked Jesus, "how can I inherit eternal life? Jesus said, "you know the commandment:" do not commit adultery, murder, steal or give false testimony; honor your parents. "The man said," I have kept all this since I was a child. Jesus said, "you still lack one thing: to sell all that you have and give it to the poor, you will have treasure in heaven, and you will follow me.". (road 18:18-22) < br >
The Passover Dinner Jesus was sold < br >
Jesus said, "I would like to eat this passover with you before I suffer. Jesus took the bread and gave thanks. He broke it and handed it to them, saying, "this is my body, which you gave up for you. Do the same to remember me. So he took the cup after the meal and said, "this cup is a new covenant made with my blood, and it has been poured out for you. The man who sold me was at my table. (road 22:15-20)