Voice Starring: Dayo Wong, Karen Mok, Raymond To Rating: I Duration: 84mins
Content: Apirl 10th, 1912:TITANIC was ready to sail. The passengers included Miss Gertrude Pickering and her maid Angelica, young gentleman William C. Greenfield and his elderly governess, swindler and thief Corynthia Meanstreakand, detective Sam Bradbury...Many cute and sweet animals, including Gretchen's family, Pickering's pet Geoffrey, cocker spaniel and Corynthis's chihuahua, embarked too and would fell their own story under the unaware eyes of the humans. Titanic departed. Angelica and William met accidentally and fell in love with each other. One night, the vessel crashed into an iceberg and was sinking gradually... The iceberg hit the Titanic but just determind the beginning of a new life full of hope for everybody.