Topographic Drama: Live Across America - Yes (3Vinyl)
享誉国际乐坛,摇滚历史上最伟大的前卫摇滚乐队之一,在将近半个世纪的前卫摇滚历史中,跨越了迷幻、庞克、迪斯可、新浪潮等不同世代的经典乐队 Yes 推出最新演唱会专辑
《Topographic Drama: Live Across America》,喜欢 Yes 的乐迷必定不可错过!!
CD 1
1. Machine Messiah (Live)
2. White Car (Live)
3. Does It Really Happen? (Live)
4. Into The Lens (Live)
5. Run Through The Light (Live)
6. Tempus Fugit (Live)
7. And You And I (I. Cord Of Life, II. Eclipse, III. The Preacher The Teacher, IV. Apocalypse) [Live]
8. Heart Of The Sunrise (Live)
CD 2
1. The Revealing Science of God (Live)
2. Leaves Of Green (Live)
3. Ritual (Nous sommes du soleil) [Live]
4. Roundabout (Live)
5. Starship Trooper (A Life Seeker; B Disillusion; C Wurm) [Live]